Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Over and over, God reminds me and whispers, "I've got this under control."  This is a chaotic season in our lives.  The ups and downs of foster-to-adopting, the business of our normal routine, and internal need to try and make everyone happy can be overwhelming.  But just when I start to sink, I hear God whisper, "I've got this under control."  So, as we approach the Thanksgiving holiday, I can't help but be thankful for a God that has it under control.  I'm thankful that He doesn't need me to fix all the problems, make everyone happy, or be perfect.  He just wants me to relax and love him. Love leads to action.  So, by loving God, I will love others.  That sounds easier than it is.  Loving others in spite of their faults, even when they are unlovely.  But God does it for me, so how can I deny others?  Anyway, as I start to get stressed out with all the to-do lists, travel arrangements, packing, baking, and scheduling that needs to get done, I am relieved to know that God has it under control.  I'm trying hard to refocus on others.  The other stuff will work itself out.  So, today I re-worked my to-do list.  Mopping and cleaning the bathroom got bumped for some quality "nail painting" time with Faith and Sofia. 

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About the McGuire's

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Fort Worth, Texas
Six people... one great adventure. A family's mission to live life with faith and love for other people.
